Course curriculum

  • 1

    PREPARE: Before We Begin!

    • Leadership Programme Survey (10 Mins)

  • 2

    PREPARE: Leadership Programme Introduction

    • McNulty- Who We Are

    • What is Leadership?

    • The Importance of Leadership for You and Your Business

    • What is Different About This Programme?

    • Leadership Programme Overview - Audio

    • Lean Back Audio - Start Your Leadership Journey

  • 3

    LEARN & APPLY SECTION 1: Vision & Mission

    • Introduction to Vision & Mission

    • Defining Your Vision & Mission

    • Setting Your Goals

    • The Moonshot Goal

    • Building Your Massive Action Plan

    • Dealing with Adversity

    • Examples of Vision & Mission

    • Vision & Mission Key Takeaways

    • TOOL: Your 90 Day Massive Action Plan Template

    • Quiz: Vision & Mission

    • Lean Back Audio: Building Your Personal Mission

    • Further Readings

  • 4

    LEARN & APPLY SECTION 2: Growth Mindset & Resilience

    • Introduction to Growth Mindset & Resilience

    • Foundation Stones of a Growth Mindset

    • "Bouncebackability"

    • The Essence of Growth Mindset

    • Transform Your Life

    • Growth Mindset in Business

    • Growth Mindset Business Examples

    • Resilience in Business

    • Five Steps to a Growth Mindset

    • Key Takeaways : Growth Mindset & Resilience Summary

    • TOOL: Growth Mindset & Resilience Exercises

    • Quiz: Growth Mindset & Resilience

    • Lean Back Audio: Overcoming Fear of Failure

    • Lean Back Audio: Resilience

    • Lean Back Audio: Inspirational Resilience & Achievement Through Adversity

    • Padraic Moyles Introduction

    • Getting Through Challenging Times with Padraic Moyles

    • Emotional Intelligence With Dr. Mary Collins

    • Further Readings

  • 5

    LEARN & APPLY SECTION 3: Wellbeing and Energy Management

    • Leo Tiernan - Head of Wellbeing and Energy Management at McNulty

    • Introduction to Energy Management

    • McNulty's Wellbeing and Energy Management Philosophy

    • What is Wellbeing and Energy Management?

    • The Five Pillars of Energy Management

    • Components of Wellbeing and Energy Management

    • Physical Fitness

    • Mindset

    • Nutrition

    • Rest and Recovery

    • Sleep

    • TOOL: McNulty Executive Energy Survey

    • Quiz: Energy Management and Wellbeing

    • Lean Back Audio: Maximise Your Energy to Live a Full Life

    • Lean Back Audio: Some Short and Simple Tips for Workplace Wellbeing

    • Lean Back Audio: Here is Your Total Rejuvenation Holiday Plan

    • Lean Back Audio - World Class Examples of Energy Management

    • Further Readings

  • 6

    LEARN & APPLY SECTION 4: Signature Strengths

    • Introduction to Signature Strengths

    • Discover Your Signature Strengths

    • Signature Strengths Game Changer

    • How to Use Your Signature Strengths

    • Signature Strengths Key Takeaways

    • Signature Strengths Survery

    • Quiz: Signature Strengths

    • Lean Back Audio : Focusing on Your Signature Strengths

    • Lean Back Audio : Padraic Moyles- High Performance, Passion & Signature Strengths

    • Further Readings

  • 7

    FOCUS: Mindfulness Audio Sessions

    • Pamela Renwick Mindfulness Session

    • Mindfulness Session 1

    • Mindfulness Session 2

    • Mindfulness Session 3

  • 8

    QUICK REFLECT: Am I Becoming an Authentic Leader?

    • Some Questions Before You Finish This Programme...

  • 9

    McNulty- Further Information

    • Our Programmes and Services